Affect Somatic Bridge
What is Affect Somatic Bridge?
The affect bridge is a hypno-analytic technique used to address maladaptive behaviors by exploring their roots in past experiences. This method is versatile and can be applied to various conditions such as anxiety, overeating, trauma, anger, psychosomatic pain, depression, panic disorder, and performance anxiety. In psychoanalytic practice, therapists connect present behaviors with past events to uncover underlying issues.By bringing these unconscious associations into awareness, clients gain a deeper understanding of their emotions, which can help alleviate their intensity.
During an affect bridge session, the therapist guides the client to vividly relive a present experience under hypnosis, paying close attention to the emotions involved. The client is then encouraged to trace these feelings back to a past event where similar emotions were felt. By discussing these issues in the present, outside of hypnosis, the client can work through and reconcile these past experiences, ultimately leading to modifications in current behavior. This technique helps clients understand and manage their emotional responses more effectively.