Time and Location
Aug 13, 2022, 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM PDT
Mood Studio, 264 Dore St, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA
About the Event
This Event is something that is so special for me. According to Brene Brown's research on Connection with our emotions, the average person can only identify their emotions as Sad, Happy and Anger. Emotions are our guidance to our alignment. Through the work that I have done myself and to so many of my clients, I've seen how important it is to understand and connect with our emotions. Our emotions is our energy in motion, and it is vital for us to allow our energy to keep flowing in order to function in the most aligned and centered way. A lot of us internalize our emotions instead of expressing or trying to understand them, this event is geared towards you finding the connection with your emotions and body and spirit. Allowing your energy to be transmuted into love through your movement. If you are someone who just like myself before who mostly internalize my feelings or emotions. This event is for you. You get to understand how your emotions physically transaltes into your body. And how you can fully embody the frequency of love.
Integrating Yoga Flow that is facilitated by Nina you'll connect with your breath in every movement of your being. Through Reiki we release the emotional blockages that's making you feel resistant in letting things go and being able to feel and get in tuned with yourself.
Succumb yourself in this container filled with love. It's a safe and non judgemental space for you to immerse yourself to move freely with ease.
When: Agust 13, 2022 at 5:30pm PST to 7:30 PST
What to expect:
- Inner Circle
- Yoga FLow facilitated by Nina
- Energy in Motion (dance) non choreography
- Reiki
- Sound bath
- Journaling Excercises (Worksheets will be sent out a week before the event)
- Open space to share.
Mood Studio
What you'll need:
- Yoga Matt
- Bring a journal and a pen to write down any reflections that come up along the way.
- Have water and refreshments on hand to nourish your body.
- Crystals if you have any
- Open Heart Space
Payment options:
Paypal: holikhrey@gmail.com
Venmo: khreystine
Credit Card
By participating in the event, you understand that Holikhrey (Khreystine Musni) is not a medical or physiological professional. She is not a substitute for psychotherapy or medical practice. If a situation arises where medical or psychological intervention is needed, Holikhrey (Khreystine Musni) is ethically and legally bound to refer the client to a mental health or medical professional. You also understand that Holikhrey (Khreystine Musni) does not guarantee any outcome in these sessions. However, the more open and receptive you can be to healing, the better. You also understand that with healing sometimes comes a "healing crisis". If this does occur after the session, you will contact Holikhrey (Khreystine Musni) so she can further instruct you on how to move through the purging process your body is going through in order to heal.
Energy in Motion
Regular Ticket
$222.00Sale ended